Monday, October 6, 2008

Belated update

So obviously we are home. I never updated you... I thought I did, but the archives don't lie, do they?

We got power back late in the afternoon on Wednesday, September 24th and "moved" back into our house on September 25th (a birthday present for Eileen?). We left our house on September 10th. So it had been 2 weeks + 1 day since we left. Crazy.

Mia was anxious to get back to her house and her bed. Throughout the two weeks she kept asking, "Mia's house?" and then when we got back and the power hadn't yet been restored she'd walk around saying, "Mia's house broke. Lights broke, ice broke, tv broke..." Obviously, she was trying to process everything that was going on.

But, we are thankful beyond words that we are able to get back to normal. There are so many people that are still living in hotels or finding other houses because their house was damaged... or simply gone.

1 comment:

jthomson79 said...

I hope you used this as a lesson on proper grammar.