Um... hello? Hellllooooo!
Oh, right. Yeah. If I was reading a blog that hadn't been updated since NOVEMBER I don't think I'd be checking in often either.
Sorry about that.
What's going on, you say?
Well... Not a lot. Mia turned 3. Micah turned 1. I realized that as much as I'd like, I am unable to slow life down. Time seems to be speeding up and these precious girls we have been blessed with are growing up at lightening speed. It's totally unfair.
And so, in that spirit, I have been trying to really look at what is most important for each day and only work on that, so as to spend more time with my girls. Laundry, dishes, and paying bills still seem to be here, as is my need to talk with others (aka, Facebook) blogging seems to have fallen way down on the list. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend time with these characters?
So, as you can see, we've been busy. I hope to blog more. Make more time between everything else. I do love looking back at our older posts. Seeing the things that they've done. I don't want to lose that... so, here ya go. Posting. :)
too cute! you are beautiful daughters
Those are great pictures. I can't believe how big has gotten in just a couple of weeks. Not so much big physically just in her look and walking. It's going to be weird seeing them as bigger little people. Gosh, I hope they get along :)
Well, it's about TIME! =0)
No, this is the season of not having enough time. Your girls are the most important thing right now. Blogging is fun, but I think it's easier for those of us with empty nests. So just do it when you have a quiet moment...YEAH, RIGHT! LOL!
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