Friday, December 3, 2010


A quick poll to see what makes the members of our household thankful.

* time-out (uh, what?)
* Drink
* Chair
* Teacher
* Curious George

* Jesus
* God
* my dogs (we don't have dogs... I'm confused)
* That Jack feels better up in Heaven (Jack is their Granddad's dog that recently died)

* Naptime
* Having a God that loves us enough to leave his Heavenly home to save us from ourselves
* Adequate food, warm house, clean(ish) water, and the freedom to believe what I choose

* Everyone being healthy after months of sickness


Lawfrog said...

All great things to be thankful for. Perhaps Mia has some imaginary dog friends?:) Not sure about Micha loving time-out. That's a puzzling one:)

All in all though, great list! So glad to hear everyone in your house is feeling better after months of sickness.

Anonymous said...

Kids are hilarious! I have to say I agree with Micah and I am pretty thankful for Curious George too ;)