Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Micah's one month!

Or she was almost a month ago... ah well, here's her stats anyhow.

Height: 22 inches (75-90%)
Weight: 9lbs 10oz (50-75%)
Head: 39cm (75%)
Which: Wow! She was born at 18.5 inches (which was probably closer to 20, but still!)!
And she left the hospital at 6lbs 8oz. That's over 3 pounds in one month! Go Micah!
And she has a big head. Who would have guessed? She didn't get that one from me. But yay! We'll share hats.
I'll try to take pictures every month. Here's her first and a comparison to at birth.

She's about 1 week here and still wearing preemie clothes.

1 month. Chillin on the couch

This growing business is hard work, yo.

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